Friday, June 8, 2012

CryptoCat Developer Questioned At US-Canadian Border - Slashdot

CryptoCat Developer Questioned At US-Canadian Border - Slashdot

The Feynman Files: The professor's invitation past the Iron Curtain | Muckrock

The Feynman Files: The professor's invitation past the Iron Curtain | Muckrock

After the drama surrounding the Soviet Invitation, the FBI’s involvement with Feynman was reduced until 1958, when the White House requested a routine investigation into his background for consideration for the position of Scientific Advisor to President Eisenhower. Perhaps the investigation was the final straw for the man who had always eschewed red tape and bureaucratic incompetence: Feynman asked to be put on the FBI’s “Do Not Contact” list.

Friday, June 1, 2012



Zambia Donates Five Million Litres of Fuel to Malawi · Global Voices

Zambia Donates Five Million Litres of Fuel to Malawi · Global Voices

Udacity: Udacity in partnership with Pearson VUE announces testing centers

Udacity: Udacity in partnership with Pearson VUE announces testing centers

Fwd: Submit your 99airlines slogan

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Garlin Gilchrist II, Political Action <>
Date: Fri, Jun 1, 2012 at 11:51 AM
Subject: Submit your 99airlines slogan
To: Lee Nelson <>

99airlines is off the ground, and we need ideas for airplane banners to fly over high-profile Mitt Romney events. Rate, submit, and share an idea today.

Submit Your Idea

Dear MoveOn member,

We just launched 99airlines, our program to fly airplane banners over high-profile Mitt Romney events with messages from the 99%.

And what's the coolest part? You get to decide what the banners say! If you could fly a message over Mitt Romney's head, what would it be?

Will you suggest a short, pithy, memorable phrase for a 99airlines banner? Or check out and rate other people's ideas?

Click here to submit or vote for a 99airlines banner.

Imagine if Mitt Romney and his Super PAC friends had to deal with the sights and sounds of airplanes following them everywhere, reminding Americans how Romney stands for corporations and the 1%. Reporters at the events will film and write about the banners—it'll drive Romney and his corporate backers crazy.

That's why we're taking it to Romney, exposing him as Mr. 1%. Here's the banner we flew over a Romney fundraiser in Boston last week.

99airlines banner flown  over a Boston fundraiser for Mitt Romney on May 24, 2012

We're ready to fly a whole lot more over his high-profile appearances this summer, including fundraisers and a major event with Latino political leaders.

We need you to submit your ideas today. And the highest-rated, most shared, and most timely messages from the 99% will get flown over Romney's head. So get your ideas online today!

Click here to submit or vote for a 99airlines banner.

MoveOn members stepped up and funded 99airlines as a way to combat the Super PAC ads and corporate money that will flood into this year's election. We're transforming Mitt Romney's 1% fundraising tour into an airborne progressive message machine that will be seen by the people at the events and the media covering them.

They've got millions of dollars, but we've got more people and more creativity than they can muster. If you submit your ideas—-and make sure as many people as possible rate and contribute ideas—99airlines can define Mitt Romney and the people he represents in a visible, memorable way.

Click here to submit or vote for a 99airlines banner.

Thanks for all you do.

–Garlin, Elena, Emily, Victoria, and the rest of the team

Want to support our work? We're entirely funded by our 7 million members—no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.

PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. This email was sent to Lee Nelson on June 1, 2012. To change your email address or update your contact info, click here. To remove yourself from this list, click here.


Network of Homeless Newspapers Tries QR-Code Digital Edition

Network of Homeless Newspapers Tries QR-Code Digital Edition