Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Fwd: Air Quality Egg on Kickstarter

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From: Pachube <newsletter@pachube.com>
Date: Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 1:26 PM
Subject: Air Quality Egg on Kickstarter
To: technologiclee@gmail.com

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Air Quality Egg is live on Kickstarter ! 
You can support the project here.
You can also help by spreading the word, forwarding this email, and tweeting the following message:
#AirQualityEgg on Kickstarter: Community sensing network giving people
a way to be part of the #airquality conversation 
#AirQualityEgg: A community-led air quality sensing network that gives people a way to participate in the conversation about air quality.

Where's the data? Look outside your window -- have you ever wondered what the quality of the air is out there? I mean RIGHT. OUT. THERE. 12 inches from your face. If so, you are out of luck. The air quality data collected by the government is likely sampled from far, far away and then applied to you on a regional level, almost completely useless from the standpoint of trying to understand or change the local dynamics of pollution that affect you. Not good. If you're interested in joining a community of people who are going to change that, you are in the right place!


What is it?

The Air Quality Egg is a sensor system designed to allow anyone to collect very high resolution readings of NO2 and CO concentrations outside of their home.  These two gases are the most indicative elements related to urban air pollution that are sense-able by inexpensive, DIY sensors.



The Air Quality Egg is developed by a community effort, born out of groups from the Internet of Things Meetups in NYC and Amsterdam.  We are designers, technologists, developers, architects, students, and artists.  Read about the history of the development of this project here and here.

The product development conversation, as well as a fair bit of the philosophical arguments, happens in our Google Group.  We also have a wiki.


How it works

1) Outdoor sensors:  A small electronic sensing system plug into the wall and sits outside your home taking regular readings.  It has an RF transmitter, which sends the data wirelessly to an Egg-shaped base station inside.


2) Egg base station: An Egg-shaped base station, which gives this project its name, receives the wirelessly transmitted data from the sensor box outside.  It then relays that data to the Internet via a wired Ethernet connection.  The Egg also acts as a User Interface, so it also has an LED light and a button.  These are configurable by applications which will be developed in the future by the community.


3) Data sent to Internet: The air quality data will be sent in real-time to Pachube, an open data service, which both stores and provides free access to the data.  The service includes embeddable graphs and the ability to generate triggers for tweets and SMS alerts, as well as a robust API which allows for developers in the community to unlock the potential of this new dataset by building mashups, maps, and applications.


Where we are now

The Egg's sensor system has been prototyped and refined several times.  The current iteration which will go to production has been designed by Joe Saavedra, building on work from a previous project, Citizensensor.cc.  The wireless system has been designed by WickedDevice, who will also be managing the production of the finished Egg system. 


At the Citizen Cyberscience Summit in London in January, we were able to deploy a small number of Egg sensor boxes and saw our first data collection.  We are slowly getting a small run of prototype-level sensor boxes into the hands of beta testers (example: https://pachube.com/feeds/48307).  We are running workshops in London and Amsterdam which will have people building up their own units and bringing them home.


How we'll build it

The funding level we are seeking will allow us to achieve the necessary volumes to be able to design and tool custom hardware to bring the price into an affordable range.  


Step 1) 3-6 weeks. The current prototype design will be consolidated into a single board by Dirk Swart and Vic Aprea of WickedDevice, who have already done customized volume runs of the Nanode, the open source microcontroller board which provides the platform for the Egg. The Egg enclosure / injection molding will also be developed at this time, based on 3D print runs we've done and will iterate on. A small run of completed test units will be produced in-house to verify the compatibility of the design.


Step 2) 5 weeks. Production. The verified designs will go to the same volume manufacturer who has done previous runs of the Nanode board.  A manufacturer for the enclosure will be sourced and contracted at this time.


Step 3) 2 weeks.  Assembly/Delivery. 

Total: Up to 13 weeks. Estimated delivery: July.


What's next?

Applications: Each Egg that comes online contributes data that, in aggregate, will provide what is essentially an "air quality API". This will be a platform for web developers who want to apply this information in innovative ways via web apps, mobile apps, visualizations, interactive installations, and more. The Egg base station also has the ability to convey information through a colored light and also has a button for user feedback. These elements can be programmed and re-programmed for all kinds of interactions.


Mobile: Mobilizing sensors opens up an entire new layer of information for people. Development of a solution that incorporates benefits to the community as well as the individual gets more complicated for various reasons beyond just platform, code, and hardware, but we will work through them. 


More info:

Good article discussing the AirQualityEgg's implications for journalism by @javaun



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Pachube | 3 Scrutton St. | London | EC2A 4HF | United Kingdom


Here's a video of an elephant playing with a Samsung Galaxy Note | Android Central

Here's a video of an elephant playing with a Samsung Galaxy Note | Android Central

Monday, March 26, 2012

Fwd: For Creative Types, Crowdfunding's Only the Beginning

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From: The Daily GOOD <hello@goodinc.com>
Date: Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 2:25 PM
Subject: For Creative Types, Crowdfunding's Only the Beginning
To: GOOD Readers <technologiclee@gmail.com>

Your good thing today.
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Introducing the Post-Kickstarter Marketplace

33% funding 33% momentum 33% sales

Kickstarter and other crowdfunding sites can be the perfect platforms to get feedback about a project, build a community around an idea, and, of course, pull in initial cash to get an effort off the ground. But once the campaign is over and the project is funded, makers often see a decline in interaction on their websites and a slacking off of sales.

At least, that's what happened to Matthew McLachlan after his SoundJaw, a sound amplifier that clips onto the iPad, received its Kickstarter funding. "He was going full throttle with it," says Matthew's brother Mark. "But he noticed that when all the excitement wore down after [the Kickstarter] ended, his sales started to fluctuate." The two decided to work together on building a website positioned as "the go-to place–for 'I saw this project on Kickstarter. It's ended now. Where can I find it?'"

The resulting e-commerce startup, Tiny Lightbulbs, opened for business in January and serves as a marketplace for crowdfunded, "indy," or "independently funded" projects. Asked what differentiates his site from Etsy, the Amazon of the DIY economy, Mark says Tiny Lightbulbs is more focused on the type of "finished product" that often is only possible to pull off with the infusion of crowdfunding cash—like fashion-conscious 3D sunglasses and electronics accessories—as opposed to Etsy's emphasis on handmade products, clothes, and crafts. 

Tiny Lightbulb's success is bound to the success of its sellers, Mark says, and the company is running Google ads to promote certain products. While there's no fee for sellers to list a product on the site, the company takes a 13 percent commission on sales.

Photo via (cc) Flickr user goldberg

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Sunday, March 18, 2012



The Banks Win, Again - NYTimes.com

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Saturday, March 17, 2012

RT @Occupy_DC Is legalized bribery still bribery? Is targeted, extrajudicial killing still killing?

RT @darealmaozedong It should teach every comrade to love the people and listen attentively to the voice of the masses; #OWS #occupywallstreet

RT @MotherJones "Shadow CIA" buys itself a big-name journalist: http://t.co/Ulpj9mvL #stratfor

RT @darealmaozedong RT @Occupy_USA: #OWS George Clooney arrested at Sudanese embassy (PHOTO): George Clooney was arrested outsid... http://t.co/vdFCm1KU # ...

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Fwd: [MCM] Passed instantly, with no debate—and then signed quickly by Obama—HR 347 is our Enabling Act. (Look it up.)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mark Crispin Miller <markcrispinmiller@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Mar 11, 2012 at 4:14 AM
Subject: [MCM] Passed instantly, with no debate—and then signed quickly by Obama—HR 347 is our Enabling Act. (Look it up.)
To: newsfromunderground@googlegroups.com

Naomi Wolf via Facebook:

Reposting. Unbelievable. The American President and Congress have just declared war on Americans and on the Constitution: "Wayne Vokovich: Obama signs Trespass Bill/HR 347 into law. This is UNREAL! I literally cannot wrap my head around this and my head is spinning. There was no discussion, no debate, no democracy, no due diligence, just heavy handed self-interest from public servants who have, through misguided hubris and extreme arrogance, redefined their own authorities. They fear us, and as a result, they have abandonded us. It is clear now that there is a quickening, a rush to tyranny, and my heart aches. Not only for myself, but for you and for our future. It's as if we were trapped in the ever elongating hallway nightmare. But this too will end. These unconstitutional, criminal acts by our President and our governement are illegitimate. These acts hold no power over us unless we choose to alllow it. Do not allow it. We must continue with peaceful, non-violent protest and civil disobedience in opposition to these criminal acts and to those sure to come. We must work together and organize. We are many. We must seek out the strength and comfort that comes from sharing the truth. Be strong. We can learn from history. We have been warned by Holocaust survivors not to go quietly in to the night. We will not go quietly in to the night - never again. Many people over many centuries have faced tyranny and prevailed. We too will prevail. We know what must be done. It's time to set about doing."



why? why? why was this passed with almost unanimous consent? I don't understand why there was no debate...I don't understand why such broad support for it...it hands over power to lock everyone up for ten years even if they don't know something is 'restricted' to DHS.



"A funny thing happened on the way to stop Obama from signing HR 347 …"

A funny thing happened on the way to figuring how to get President Obama not to sign HR 347. Yesterday late afternoon, I was on an urgent national conference call to discuss how to stop the bill. HR 347 is a bill that was passed with lightening speed with almost no opposition just recently by the Senate and House.

During the call, we were told that the bill is on President Obama's desk and that he had until March 12th to sign it or veto it. This national phone connect was a "call to action" against the bill.

The bill has been nicknamed the "anti-Occupy Wall Street" bill, the "No Trespass" bill, the "end of dissent" law, and various other terms to describe its potential draconian effects on protest and dissent in America. It authorizes restricted zones where all protest is banned in and around government buildings and facilities, and bans protest around those receiving Secret Service protection. It does more and I've included its text – scroll down. "It kills protest around these people," a moderator flatly stated at the beginning of the call.

So, a funny thing happened while on this conference call to urgently figure out what we could to prevent Obama from signing it. After all, he was a constitutional law professor before he became a politician.

During the conference call, a woman broke in, and said: "I have some very bad news. Obama signed this bill – HR 347 – today. He signed it today." Today – March 8th – International Women's Day. The bill was law.

This depressing news set us all back and changed the tenor and attitudes expressed over this national network of activists.

On the phone we had folks from Georgia, Connecticut, New York, DC, Salem Oregon, southern Massachusetts, Minnesota, Detroit, Dallas, Oakland, Indiana … and San Diego, of course. Most of those hooked up to this line were or are involved with the Occupy movement, and in fact, the call had been set up by Occupy activists in Washington, DC – (including San Diego's own Michael B. – whose voice I recognized 3,000 miles away).

The earlier urgency we had all expressed evaporated. In its place was exasperation and despair. But for many on the phone call, their determination remained. So, it wasn't really a "funny thing" that had happened – no, more like a devastating thing had happened – but it sure was ironic.

These points about HR 347 and its Senate companion SB were made. It severly curtails protests, and keeps us from protesting the very people who are responsible for putting the country where it's at today. It's restrictions apply to some government functions. It criminalizes protest around federal buildings and agencies – even those in a labor strike could be subject to criminal charges.

We were not certain when the bill actually goes into effect, but we believed that unless there was language in the bill itself about that – there isn't any, the bill – now law – would go into effect on January 1, 2013. So, we had some time, someone noted, to think about what to do, to make plans – we had ten months to galvanize a reaction to it that would repeal it.

Because the Senate passed it with unanimous consent and there were only 3 "nay" votes in the House, there's a challenging road ahead for those who wish to repeal it.

Still, troubling aspects of the new law are certainly disquieting. The signified "special events of national significance" could be the political party conventions coming up, or the Super Bowl. People could be banned from protesting any government or quasi-government function that the Department of Homeland Security decides upon.

Plus, protesters could be arrested in these restricted zones even if they didn't know it was a crime to be there. If convicted of being in a restricted zone, you'd get a misdemeanor – but it would be a felony if there was some kind of weapon – would a Swiss Army knife do the trick? – or if there were injuries … The felony conviction calls for up to 10 years of imprisonment – certainly a chill on dissent.

One person on the conference call emphasized how local county and city governments could even have their government buildings and agencies declared "restricted". Local police departments could determine local events would be safe from protests.

That same guy – an older man who sounded a lot like Dan Rather – stated that the near-unanimous consent and speed with which this bill was passed by Congress and now signed into law shows the degree to which the President and the governing elite believe the American people are tired of the Occupy Movement. The new law bans protests that the movement has targeted over the last 6 months.

Halfway through its second hour, the conference call seemed to be winding down. Most wanted to think about the law and what to do, now that the urgency had vanished. Form a group, create a website, hold a debate on what we need to do. These were on our future agenda. We are to spend the week thinking about this, and are to come back with proposals.

What would you propose?

Here's the text of the bill that actually was passed by both houses:

H.R.347 — Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011 (Enrolled Bill [Final as Passed Both House and Senate] – ENR)

One Hundred Twelfth Congress of the United States of America


Begun and held at the City of Washington on Tuesday, the third day of January, two thousand and twelve

An Act

To correct and simplify the drafting of section 1752 (relating to restricted buildings or grounds) of title 18, United States Code.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


This Act may be cited as the `Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011′.


Section 1752 of title 18, United States Code, is amended to read as follows:

-`Sec. 1752. Restricted building or grounds

`(a) Whoever–

`(1) knowingly enters or remains in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority to do so;

`(2) knowingly, and with intent to impede or disrupt the orderly conduct of Government business or official functions, engages in disorderly or disruptive conduct in, or within such proximity to, any restricted building or grounds when, or so that, such conduct, in fact, impedes or disrupts the orderly conduct of Government business or official functions;

`(3) knowingly, and with the intent to impede or disrupt the orderly conduct of Government business or official functions, obstructs or impedes ingress or egress to or from any restricted building or grounds; or

`(4) knowingly engages in any act of physical violence against any person or property in any restricted building or grounds;

or attempts or conspires to do so, shall be punished as provided in subsection (b).

`(b) The punishment for a violation of subsection (a) is–

`(1) a fine under this title or imprisonment for not more than 10 years, or both, if–

`(A) the person, during and in relation to the offense, uses or carries a deadly or dangerous weapon or firearm; or

`(B) the offense results in significant bodily injury as defined by section 2118(e)(3); and

`(2) a fine under this title or imprisonment for not more than one year, or both, in any other case.

`(c) In this section–

`(1) the term `restricted buildings or grounds' means any posted, cordoned off, or otherwise restricted area–

`(A) of the White House or its grounds, or the Vice President's official residence or its grounds;

`(B) of a building or grounds where the President or other person protected by the Secret Service is or will be temporarily visiting; or

`(C) of a building or grounds so restricted in conjunction with an event designated as a special event of national significance; and

`(2) the term `other person protected by the Secret Service' means any person whom the United States Secret Service is authorized to protect under section 3056 of this title or by Presidential memorandum, when such person has not declined such protection.'.

Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Vice President of the United States and

President of the Senate.

You received this message because you are subscribed to Mark Crispin Miller's "News From Underground" newsgroup. If you'd like to donate to News From Underground, please visit http://markcrispinmiller.com/donate - we appreciate your ongoing support.

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For more News From Underground, visit http://markcrispinmiller.com


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

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Friday, March 9, 2012

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Sunday, March 4, 2012

UK police/spies colluded with giant construction firms to build illegal blacklist database of whistleblowers, trade-unionists - Boing Boing

UK police/spies colluded with giant construction firms to build illegal blacklist database of whistleblowers, trade-unionists - Boing Boing

Fwd: [MCM] Congress passes anti-protest law (Senate unanimous; all but 3 in House vote "nay")

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mark Crispin Miller <markcrispinmiller@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Mar 4, 2012 at 4:31 PM
Subject: [MCM] Congress passes anti-protest law (Senate unanimous; all but 3 in House vote "nay")
To: newsfromunderground@googlegroups.com


US Congress passes authoritarian anti-protest law

By Tom Carter 
3 March 2012

A bill passed Monday in the US House of Representatives and Thursday in the Senate would make it a felony—a serious criminal offense punishable by lengthy terms of incarceration—to participate in many forms of protest associated with the Occupy Wall Street protests of last year. Several commentators have dubbed it the "anti-Occupy" law, but its implications are far broader.

The bill—H.R. 347, or the "Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011"—was passed by unanimous consent in the Senate, while only Ron Paul and two other Republicans voted against the bill in the House of Representatives (the bill passed 388-3). Not a single Democratic politician voted against the bill.

The virtually unanimous passage of H.R. 347 starkly exposes the fact that, despite all the posturing, the Democrats and the Republicans stand shoulder to shoulder with the corporate and financial oligarchy, which regarded last year's popular protests against social inequality with a mixture of fear and hostility.

Among the central provisions of H.R. 347 is a section that would make it a criminal offense to "enter or remain in" an area designated as "restricted."

The bill defines the areas that qualify as "restricted" in extremely vague and broad terms. Restricted areas can include "a building or grounds where the President or other person protected by the Secret Service is or will be temporarily visiting" and "a building or grounds so restricted in conjunction with an event designated as a special event of national significance."

The Secret Service provides bodyguards not just to the US president, but to a broad layer of top figures in the political establishment, including presidential candidates and foreign dignitaries.

Even more sinister is the provision regarding events of "national significance." What circumstances constitute events of "national significance" is left to the unbridled discretion of the Department of Homeland Security. The occasion for virtually any large protest could be designated by the Department of Homeland Security as an event of "national significance," making any demonstrations in the vicinity illegal.

For certain, included among such events would be the Democratic and Republican National Conventions, which have been classified as National Special Security Events (NSSE), a category created under the Clinton administration. These conventions have been the occasion for protests that have been subjected to ever increasing police restrictions and repression. Under H.R. 347, future protests at such events could be outright criminalized.

The standard punishment under the new law is a fine and up to one year in prison. If a weapon or serious physical injury is involved, the penalty may be increased to up to ten years.

Also criminalized by the bill is conduct "that impedes or disrupts the orderly conduct of Government business or official functions" and "obstructs or impedes ingress or egress to or from any restricted building or grounds." These provisions, even more so than the provisions creating "restricted areas," threaten to criminalize a broad range of protest activities that were previously perfectly legal.

In order to appreciate the unprecedented sweep of H.R. 347, it is necessary to consider a few examples:

 A wide area around the next G-20 meeting or other global summit could be designated "restricted" by the Secret Service, such that any person who "enters" a that area can be subject to a fine and a year in jail under Section 1752(a)(1) (making it a felony to enter any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority to do so).

 Senator Rick Santorum, the ultra-right Republican presidential candidate, enjoys the protection of the Secret Service. Accordingly, a person who shouts "boo!" during a speech by Santorum could be subject to arrest and a year of imprisonment under Section 1752(a)(2) (making it a felony to "engag[e] in disorderly or disruptive conduct in" a restricted area).

 Striking government workers who form a picket line near any event of "national significance" can be locked up under Section 1752(a)(3) (making it a crime to imped[e] ingress or egress to or from any restricted building or grounds).

Under the ancien regime in France, steps were taken to ensure that the "unwashed masses" were kept out of sight whenever a carriage containing an important aristocrat or church official was passing through. Similarly, H.R. 347 creates for the US president and other top officials a protest-free bubble or "no-free-speech zone" that follows them wherever they go, making sure the discontented multitude is kept out of the picture.

The Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act is plainly in violation of the First Amendment to the US Constitution, which was passed in 1791 in the aftermath of the American Revolution. The First Amendment provides: "Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of speech . . . or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." (The arrogance of the Democratic and Republican politicians is staggering—what part of "Congress shall make no law" do they not understand?)

H.R. 347 comes on the heels of the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which was signed by President Obama into law on December 31, 2011. The NDAA gives the president the power to order the assassination and incarceration of any person—including a US citizen—anywhere in the world without charge or trial.

The passage of H.R. 347 has been the subject of a virtual blackout in the media. In light of the unprecedented nature of the bill, which would effectively overturn the First Amendment, this blackout cannot be innocent. The media silence therefore represents a conscious effort to keep the American population in the dark as to the government's efforts to eviscerate the Bill of Rights.

The bill would vastly expand a previous law making it misdemeanor to trespass on the grounds of the White House. An earlier version of the bill would have made it a felony just to "conspire" to engage in any of the conduct described above. The bill now awaits President Obama's signature before it becomes the law of the land.

What lies behind the unprecedented attack underway on the US Constitution and Bill of Rights is a growing understanding in the ruling class that the protests that took place around the world against social inequality in 2011 will inevitably re-emerge in more and more powerful forms in 2012 and beyond, as austerity measures and the crashing economy make the conditions of life more and more impossible for the working class. The virtually unanimous support in Congress H.R. 347, among Democrats as well as Republicans, reflects overriding sentiment within the ruling establishment for scrapping all existing democratic rights in favor of dictatorial methods of rule.

This sentiment was most directly expressed this week by Wyoming Republican legislator David Miller, who recently introduced a bill into the state legislature that would give the state the power, in an "emergency," to create its own standing army through conscription, print its own currency, acquire military aircraft, suspend the legislature, and establish martial law. "Things happen quickly sometimes—look at Libya, look at Egypt, look at those situations," Miller told the Star-Tribune in Casper, Wyoming. Repeating arguments employed by every military dictatorship over the past century, Miller declared, "We wouldn't have time to meet as a Legislature or even in special session to do anything to respond." Miller's so-called "doomsday law" was defeated in the Wyoming legislature Tuesday by the narrow margin of 30-27.

You received this message because you are subscribed to Mark Crispin Miller's "News From Underground" newsgroup. If you'd like to donate to News From Underground, please visit http://markcrispinmiller.com/donate - we appreciate your ongoing support.
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For more News From Underground, visit http://markcrispinmiller.com


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