BitNation | Governance 2.0
Governance 2.0: decentralize everything!
We live in dangerous and exciting times. Dangerous, because we stand to
see the monetary system as we know it collapse, and with it will fall
our social and political systems. Exciting, because the rise
of Bitcoin (“The Internet of Money”) and the blockchain technology,
alongside a whole host of recent advancements like 3D printing,
crowdfunding (-investing, -lending etc.) and widespread use of
internet-enabled mobile devices, makes it increasingly easier for the
individual to handle all aspects of their life on their own. In my own
life I have experienced the changes that this gradual shift towards
decentralised systems has brought: my endless thirst for news and
information is being quenched not by newspapers at the breakfast table
but by the Facebook posts of my friends and pages I follow; when I
travel to visit my extended family in Southern Germany I don’t go to the
train station to buy a ticket. Instead, I open the “Deutsche Bahn”-App
to download a QR-Ticket in a matter of seconds. Or, avoiding the
horrible service of this state granted transportation monopoly
altogether, I check the german version of for a cheap
ride to hitch with a private driver; for getting a real education I
don’t attend a state funded public university. I go to Chile and
participate in the Exosphere Bootcamp, an eight week program for
aspiring entrepreneurs.
Whenever I want good service I turn to
the private, that is voluntary, sector. With BitNation launching soon,
offering to provide all of the useful services that modern governments
claim to offer without all the hassle, I will soon be able to add
governance tools to the list of voluntary interactions enhancing my
quality of life on a daily basis. Do I want to start my own company? No
problem, just form a decentralised organisation and incorporate it via a
smart contract on the blockchain. Have I just met the love of my life
and want to announce our blissful union to the world? BitNation’s got me
covered with official marriage certification! I want to opt out of the
expensive and crushingly regulated health care system but still need and
want good medical services? I can sign up for peer-to-peer insurance,
enabling me to choose from a plethora of subscription services and
premium options at competitive prices. The options are only limited by
my imagination and BitNation has people much more imaginative than me
working on making them available.
BitNation wants to make our
times more than just dangerous and exciting. By building the digital
infrastructure to help everyone outgrow the antiquated systems of
control, BitNation wants to make them not only more beautiful, BitNation
wants to make them work.
- Moritz Bierling
BitNation Ambassador (Germany)
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